Hello! I’ve set up my BrickPi3 SimpleBot & its ready to begin programming; however, I’m not sure how to begin. Any hints/tips would be appreciated. Just a little nudge would help would help tremendously.
I’ve ran a sample program or two & I want my current project to be controlling the robot with WASD (I’m not asking someone to do this for me Its for perspective only). Thanks in advance =)
This is what the keyboarded robot control allows (for the GoPiGo3):
Basic Robot Control Panel
With this program you can test a variety of functions of the GoPiGo3 ranging from built-in LEDs to moving the robot around. The available keys are described when the program is launched.
The script can be launched this way:
python run_this.py
The Control Panel
The control panel the user sees when the program is launched can be rendered with formatted-text this way:
Press the following keys to run the features of the GoPiGo3.
To move the motors, make sure you have a fresh set of batteries powering the GoPiGo3.
[key w ] : Move the GoPiGo3 forward
[key s ] : Move the GoPiGo3 backward
[key a ] : Turn the GoPiGo3 to the left
[key d ] : Turn the GoPiGo3 to the right
[key ] : Stop the GoPiGo3 from moving
[key ] : Drive forward for 10 centimeters
[key ] : Drive forward for 10 inches
[key ] : Drive forward for 360 degrees (aka 1 wheel rotation)
[key 1 ] : Turn ON/OFF left blinker of the GoPiGo3
[key 2 ] : Turn ON/OFF right blinker of the GoPiGo3
[key 3 ] : Turn ON/OFF both blinkers of the GoPiGo3
[key 8 ] : Turn ON/OFF left eye of the GoPiGo3
[key 9 ] : Turn ON/OFF right eye of the GoPiGo3
[key 0 ] : Turn ON/OFF both eyes of the GoPiGo3
[key ] : Change the eyes’ color on the go
[key ] : Exit