My team at Cisco purchased handful of BrickPi+ units and in at least two BrickPi+ units that I have tested, the BrickPi+ units did not appear to ship with firmware. I ran the on the units and in both instances, I received the following output:
pi@dex ~/BrickPi_Python/Sensor_Examples $ python
Trying to communicate with firmware.
PASS: Serial line setup.
Setup sensors returns: -1
Checking Firmware Version of BrickPi.
Firmware version is: None
DOH! Please update your firmware to run EV3 sensors!
You should be able to run NXT sensors, but not EV3 sensors.
Hello Tuhoang,
I have a couple of quick questions:
Are you sure these are BrickPi+? Did they come with round power jacks?
Did these units come directly from us or did you purchase them from a reseller?
Do any other python scripts work, such as a motor example?
If none of the other examples work, we need to write firmware again. We can exchange a replacement through our website (