Just got my BrickPi advanced for Christmas and we have been having some big problems with it.
The only thing I can really do is an LED test.
When using the ultrasonic sensor It say object in range when there’s nothing in the way of it.
But motor control is the biggest concern, when I set the BrickPi to tell me when the motor moves nothing is printed to the console.
Ok, WastingLight, because you are using the latest debian image off raspberrypi.org, it doesnt have the comunication between the Raspberry Pi and the Brick Pi. You will want to download Or make the Modifications yourself. The instructions are provided
Okay thanks for all your help guys, sorry for the late response. I’ve just been out and bought a new SD card so I will be using one SD for my BrickPi and one for just coding and other stuff.
So this week we’re starting to work on a single startup script that will take all of the changes that need to be made to an image to get it working, up and ready to work. We’ve had a LOT of folks have trouble getting these changes made (even if they realize where to start, it can be tricky getting it all to work). I just wanted everyone to know we see the confusion and problem, and we’re going to try to get something out there that’s a lot more simple to setup.