BrickPI raspbian version

does somebody know why redis-server running by defaults on all runlevels? (i mean on BrickPI raspbian version)

Which release date are you using?

I think this was part of the Adafruit IDE package, and we’ve removed this on our latest version, in July 2014. This was part of the Adafruit IDE package, which we had previously installed, and then we uninstalled in July.

i bought “BrickPi Starter Bundle” several days ago. I have SD card marked “BrickPi 2014.03”. Is it mean i have old version of software i have to update it?

The version you have should be working, is there anything specific going on that’s a problem? It does have the Adafruit IDE running.

Updating it is possible, but not necessary.

One thing you might want to do is update the Github repos. This won’t stop the redis-server from running, but it will update the software.

Is there anything specific you’re worried about with the redis-server running?