Hi dexter forums,
I can’t for the life of me get a dv3 motor connected to the MA port moving.
Here are some relevant outputs from the example programs:
! have connectivity
pi@dex:~/Dexter/BrickPi3/Software/Python/Examples $ sudo python Test_Connected.py
BrickPi3 connected and running
! have connectivity
pi@dex:~/Dexter/BrickPi3/Software/Python/Examples $ sudo python Read_Info.py
Manufacturer : Dexter Industries
Board : BrickPi3
Serial Number : 98075D12514D32384E202020FF111E3D
Hardware version: 3.2.1
Firmware version: 1.4.6
Battery voltage : 12.223
9v voltage : 9.106
5v voltage : 5.164
3.3v voltage : 3.322
! enough power
pi@dex:~/Dexter/BrickPi3/Software/Python/Examples $ sudo python Read_Voltages.py
Battery voltage: 12.219 9v voltage: 9.087 5v voltage: 5.168 3.3v voltage: 3.321
Battery voltage: 12.230 9v voltage: 9.095 5v voltage: 5.171 3.3v voltage: 3.320
Battery voltage: 12.223 9v voltage: 9.087 5v voltage: 5.182 3.3v voltage: 3.319
! doesn't seem to detect the dv3 motor in port MA.
pi@dex:~/Dexter/BrickPi3/Software/Python/Examples $ sudo python LEGO-Motor_Status.py
[0, -128, 0, 0]
[0, -128, 0, 0]
[0, -128, 0, 0]
[0, -128, 0, 0]
[0, -128, 0, 0]
Any tips?