For anyone interested in a lighter-weight OS for BrickPi3 (no desktop software), check out Our latest SD card images (starting with 2017-02-11) have BrickPi3 support.
Hey @dlech thanks for the heads up on this! This is great news! We LOVE ev3dev and we hope that more folks use it with the BrickPi3! Thanks again!
Hey, thanks. This is great; I am trying to start programming in C for Brickpi. I have Brickpi3. I have got cross compilation on docker working fairly well (I did a writeup about docker on stackexchange). The sample code from the recommended library compiles fine and runs on EV3 but not on BrickPi3.
For example on BrickPi3
ls /sys/class/lego-port/
returns nothing
The problem, as I understand, is that autodetection of ports, sensors and motors does not work on BrickPi. What could be a solution to that?
OK with help of @dlech from ev3dev figured out that something went wrong with brickpi3 dtoverlay
reflashed the image and now it runs cross compiled C stuff nicely. Since brickpi3 does not autodetect sensors and motors, I just specify port number for the relevant functions. Nice to be able to start hacking.