I just bought a BrickPi3 + Raspberry 3 + SDCard with system on your store. And I have a problem.
NXT Motors ( I dont try Sensor ) dont recognized.
I tried to install BrickPi3 software. But when I run this command, I Have :
pi@dex:~/Dexter/BrickPi3/Software/Python/Examples $ sudo python LEGO-Motors.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “LEGO-Motors.py”, line 22, in
BP = brickpi3.BrickPi3() # Create an instance of the BrickPi3 class. BP will be the BrickPi3 object.
File “/home/pi/Dexter/BrickPi3/Software/Python/Examples/brickpi3.py”, line 275, in init
raise FirmwareVersionError(“BrickPi3 firmware needs to be version %s but is currently version %s” % (FIRMWARE_VERSION_REQUIRED, vfw))
brickpi3.FirmwareVersionError: BrickPi3 firmware needs to be version 1.3.x but is currently version 1.0.1
I suspect a firmware update.
Here serverals commands I tried : http://pastebin.com/uM5nhwma
The new BrickPi3 I ordered should not the last firmware?
It’s a firmware trouble?
Can I Do? ( I have no arduino or AVR Programmer for update Firmware… )
Thank you for yours replies.