[C] how to have linearized, scalar IO arrays (for motors, sensors)?

(I don’t know where my last post has gone or if it has vanished, so again…)

how would it be feasable to have linearized, scalar IO arrays (for motors, sensors)?


motor[0] => BP3[0] & PORT_A
motor[1] => BP3[0] & PORT_B
motor[2] => BP3[0] & PORT_C
motor[3] => BP3[0] & PORT_D

motor[4] => BP3[1] & PORT_A
motor[5] => BP3[1] & PORT_B
motor[6] => BP3[1] & PORT_C
motor[7] => BP3[1] & PORT_D

motor[8] => BP3[2] & PORT_A
motor[9] => BP3[2] & PORT_B

the goal would be to implement things like

for (int i=0; i<6, i++) {
   MotorOn (i, -40);
for (int i=6; i<10, i++) {
   MotorOff (i);

the port part is feasable of course -

but how to linearize the BP3 shield numbers and init them all as an array?