dGPS extended functions in C

I didn’t have any luck over in navigation sensors, so I thought I’d try here. Has anyone successfully enabled the extended functions on the dGPS using C and the BrickPi?

Hey Deven, we’re working onextending these functions to C and Python right now. Just a heads up.

Any idea on a timeline?

No idea on a timeline. However, if you want to contribute, you can see the registers are down at the bottom and it’s just a matter of extending the current code a bit: http://www.dexterindustries.com/manual/dgps-2/

I haven’t field tested it yet, but this code seems to output good values. There are some anomalous spikes in the data, so I think I will experiment with a process to dampen rouge values.

* dGPS with extended firmware

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "tick.h"
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include "BrickPi.h"
#include <linux/i2c-dev.h>  
#include <fcntl.h>

int result;
long UTC, lat, lon, alttd, hdop, vwsat;
unsigned short head, velo, status;

#define I2C_PORT  		PORT_1    // I2C port for the dGPS
#define I2C_SPEED 		0         // delay for as little time as possible. Usually about 100k baud
#define I2C_DEVICE_DGPS 0         // dGPS is device 0 on this I2C bus
#define DGPS_I2C_ADDR   0x06      // Sensor device address
#define DGPS_CMD_UTC    0x00      // Fetch UTC
#define DGPS_CMD_STATUS 0x01      // Fetch status of satellite link: 0 no link, 1 link
#define DGPS_CMD_LAT    0x02      // Fetch latitude
#define DGPS_CMD_LONG   0x04      // Fetch longitude
#define DGPS_CMD_VELO   0x06      // Fetch velocity in cm/s
#define DGPS_CMD_HEAD   0x07      // Fetch heading in degrees
#define DGPS_CMD_DIST   0x08      // Fetch distance to destination
#define DGPS_CMD_ANGD   0x09      // Fetch angle to destination 
#define DGPS_CMD_ANGR   0x0A      // Fetch angle travelled since last request
#define DGPS_CMD_SLAT   0x0B      // Set latitude of destination 
#define DGPS_CMD_SLONG  0x0C      // Set longitude of destination
#define DGPS_CMD_XFIRM  0x0D	  // Extended firmware
#define DGPS_CMD_ALTTD  0x0E	  // Altitude
#define DGPS_CMD_HDOP   0x0F	  // HDOP
#define DGPS_CMD_VWSAT  0x10	  // Satellites in View

int main() {

	result = BrickPiSetup();
	printf("BrickPiSetup: %dn", result);
	return 0;

	BrickPi.Address[0] = 1;
	BrickPi.Address[1] = 2;

	BrickPi.SensorType       [I2C_PORT] = TYPE_SENSOR_I2C;
	BrickPi.SensorI2CSpeed   [I2C_PORT] = I2C_SPEED;
	BrickPi.SensorI2CDevices [I2C_PORT] = 1;
	BrickPi.SensorSettings   [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 0;
	BrickPi.SensorI2CAddr    [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = DGPS_I2C_ADDR;	// Address for writing
	return 0;

	BrickPi.SensorSettings [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 1;
	BrickPi.SensorI2COut   [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0] = DGPS_CMD_XFIRM;
	BrickPi.SensorI2CWrite [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 1; // Number of bytes to write
	BrickPi.SensorI2CRead  [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 3; // Number of bytes to read   
	result = BrickPiUpdateValues();
	printf("Extended firmware: %dn", result); 

	BrickPi.SensorSettings [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = BIT_I2C_MID; // The dGPS device requires a clock change between reading and writing
	BrickPi.SensorI2CWrite [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 1; // Number of bytes to write
	BrickPi.SensorI2CRead  [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 4; // Number of bytes to read

	result = BrickPiSetupSensors();
	printf("BrickPiSetupSensors: %dn", result); 

			//read UTC
			BrickPi.SensorI2CRead  [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 4;
			BrickPi.SensorI2COut   [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0] = DGPS_CMD_UTC;	//byte to write
			result = BrickPiUpdateValues(); //write and read
				if(BrickPi.Sensor[I2C_PORT] & (0x01 << I2C_DEVICE_DGPS)){
				UTC = ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0]<<24) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][1]<<16) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][2]<<8) + (long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][3];        

			//read Latitude
			BrickPi.SensorI2CRead  [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 4;
			BrickPi.SensorI2COut   [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0] = DGPS_CMD_LAT;	//byte to write
			result = BrickPiUpdateValues(); //write and read
				if(BrickPi.Sensor[I2C_PORT] & (0x01 << I2C_DEVICE_DGPS)){
				lat = ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0]<<24) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][1]<<16) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][2]<<8) + (long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][3];        

			//read Longitude
			BrickPi.SensorI2CRead  [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 4;
			BrickPi.SensorI2COut   [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0] = DGPS_CMD_LONG;	//byte to write
			result = BrickPiUpdateValues(); //write and read
				if(BrickPi.Sensor[I2C_PORT] & (0x01 << I2C_DEVICE_DGPS)){
				lon = ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0]<<24) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][1]<<16) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][2]<<8) + (long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][3];        

			//read heading
			BrickPi.SensorI2CRead  [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 2;
			BrickPi.SensorI2COut   [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0] = DGPS_CMD_HEAD;	//byte to write
			result = BrickPiUpdateValues(); //write and read
				if(BrickPi.Sensor[I2C_PORT] & (0x01 << I2C_DEVICE_DGPS)){
				head = ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0]<<8) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][1]);        

			//read status
			BrickPi.SensorI2CRead  [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 1;
			BrickPi.SensorI2COut   [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0] = DGPS_CMD_STATUS;	//byte to write
			result = BrickPiUpdateValues(); //write and read
				if(BrickPi.Sensor[I2C_PORT] & (0x01 << I2C_DEVICE_DGPS)){
				status = ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0]);

			//read velocity
			BrickPi.SensorI2CRead  [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 3;
			BrickPi.SensorI2COut   [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0] = DGPS_CMD_VELO;	//byte to write
			result = BrickPiUpdateValues(); //write and read
				if(BrickPi.Sensor[I2C_PORT] & (0x01 << I2C_DEVICE_DGPS)){
				velo = ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0]<<16) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][1]<<8) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][2]);        

			//read altitude
			BrickPi.SensorI2CRead  [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 4;
			BrickPi.SensorI2COut   [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0] = DGPS_CMD_ALTTD;	//byte to write
			result = BrickPiUpdateValues(); //write and read
				if(BrickPi.Sensor[I2C_PORT] & (0x01 << I2C_DEVICE_DGPS)){
				alttd = ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0]<<24) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][1]<<16) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][2]<<8) + (long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][3];     

			//read hdop
			BrickPi.SensorI2CRead  [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 4;
			BrickPi.SensorI2COut   [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0] = DGPS_CMD_HDOP; //byte to write
			result = BrickPiUpdateValues(); //write and read
				if(BrickPi.Sensor[I2C_PORT] & (0x01 << I2C_DEVICE_DGPS)){
				hdop = ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0]<<24) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][1]<<16) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][2]<<8) + (long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][3];       

			//read vwsat
			BrickPi.SensorI2CRead  [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS] = 4;
			BrickPi.SensorI2COut   [I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0] = DGPS_CMD_VWSAT;	//byte to write
			result = BrickPiUpdateValues(); //write and read
				if(BrickPi.Sensor[I2C_PORT] & (0x01 << I2C_DEVICE_DGPS)){
				vwsat = ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][0]<<24) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][1]<<16) + ((long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][2]<<8) + (long)BrickPi.SensorI2CIn[I2C_PORT][I2C_DEVICE_DGPS][3];       

			printf("Stat:%d UTC:%06ld Lat:%ld Lon:%ld Hdng:%d Vel:%d Alt:%ld HDOP:%ld SATS:%ld n",status,UTC,lat,lon,head,velo,alttd,hdop,vwsat);
	return 0;

Hey Devenknight, thanks so much! We’ve updated the dGPS example a bit here:


What are you working on and how’s it going?