Eclipse for Raspberry Pi Remote Development for GoPiGo3

I am a lazy “ssh/nano/python” kind of guy, but in a former (working) life I spent nearly 20 years programming in Eclipse every waking moment.

Therefore when asked:

I took a look around to see what I could find that might guide setting up Eclipse to do Raspberry Pi development.

One of the best features of Eclipse is content aware help, so for remote GoPiGo3 specific Python programming, Eclipse will have to be made aware of the gopigo3 modules:,, and I don’t know if that is by pointing Eclipse to the gopigo3 and di_sensors site packages or the sources under ~/Dexter - someone will have to read up on that and tell us all.


Ok, well that is perhaps old or I just don’t understand enough.

I managed:

  • Eclipse installed,
  • Latest JRE for Mac
  • PyDev installed, PyDev Perspective Created
  • Remote Systems Explorer installed
  • Connected to target RPi (Carl)
    • see filesystem, create-edit-delete files
    • launch ssh terminal in an eclipse window (pain in the butt - auto complete doesn’t seem to work.)

But then I got to the “Configure Raspberry Pi” section for remote execution and they lost me totally.

Have to find a more recent tutorial - but I can edit files remote and run them in the shell.

Enough for one day.


I’ve been using VS Code with my GoPiGo3 and having good luck. A relatively new feature is the ability to edit code remotely (? via ssh). When you do that there is a bit of code installed on the remote machine to facilitate editing. I have my VS Code set up so that my code window is light themed for remote (robot) files and dark themed (my preference) for local files on the linux laptop I use for ROS. VS Code works great with Python, and has good git/github integration as well.


Do you have a “How I installed/setup VScode” doc I could use to try it?


I do now (see below) :laughing:

I downloaded the .deb file from the VS Code downloads page. I think I used the gui to install, but you can use
sudo apt install ./<file>.deb
That will install not only the program, but also the appropriate repository so that you’ll get future updates with the usual
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade -y

If I recall, on startup it has some tutorials to help with configuration, etc. My config file is pretty basic, but I’ve attached it if its helpful. This Stack Overflow page describes where it goes (which is ~/.config/Code/User on Linux). Just remove the ‘.txt’ extension I had to add to upload it.
settings.json.txt (1.0 KB)

The extensions (with publisher) I have are:

  • C++ (Microsoft)
  • GitHub Pull Request (GitHub)
  • GitLens (GitKraken - makes it easier to revert changes if need be, and to see the different branches more clearly)
  • Jupyter (Microsoft)
  • Jupyter Keymap (Microsoft)
  • Jupyter Notebook Renderers (Microsoft)
  • Pylance (Microsoft)
  • Python (Microsoft)
  • Remote SSH (Microsoft)
  • Remote SSH:Editing Configuration Files (Microsoft - this may have installed automatically with the SSH extension)
  • ROS (Microsoft)

You’ll see that other than GitLens I haven’t been adventurous with extensions.

Other than that I’ve watched some of the Microsoft videos and just learned as I went along. Since I’m not a real programmer (and don’t even play one on TV), I’m sure I’m way underutilizing it. I’m just starting to really use Jupyter, so I’ve installed the extensions but haven’t really played with it much.

Hope that helps.