Visual Studio Code on Buster

Ref: The following corollary articles:



Attempting to (re)-install Visual Studio Code on both Charlie/Charline and re-install it on my Windows-10 box, I ran into difficulties where it just wouldn’t install the server-shim on the robot itself.

Issues I discovered:

  1. The Visual Studio Code server-shim won’t install on GoPiGo O/S, regardless of version.

  2. Using a built-from-scratch robot image on an independent Buster install, (that worked before), there’s a hard cap on the version you can install due to a hard dependency on glibc-3.4.26 in the server shim in later versions of VS Code, (1.90.n+) that don’t appear to install and/or work on the robot running Buster.  This is true with respect to the VS Code IDE being on Windows 10.  I suspect it will be the same for other platforms but I can’t say that for sure.

That hard limit is version 1.8.9, located at:

Any later version, (1.90.n+) won’t work.