Faulty setup instructions

I am trying to follow the set up instructions on the main page for creating an SD card. I have run the install script on my NOOBS card I got from the foundation.
Plane sailing until you get to the Setup Wiring Pi part and then it gets messy an unclear, missing out steps.
However on the “tinkering with the files bit” it falls over.

  1. There is no file /etc/inittab so you can’t do anything to it.
  2. There is no consol=ttyAMA0,115200 … line in the /boot/cmdline.txt

I am in the process of writing a book so it is important that beginners can follow your installation instructions to the letter.

Hey Grumpy Mike, We’re sorry about the problems you’ve had with this. Just to be clear though, so we can understand the problem, are you having trouble with running the install script, or are you trying to work through the changes below that (on this page here I assume http://www.dexterindustries.com/BrickPi/getting-started/pi-prep/). There are 6 steps to running the install script, did all 6 of those steps go ok?

Everything after “The following are the modifications that were made to a Raspbian Wheezy image from the Raspbery Pi foundation “wheezy” (found here).” is an FYI, and we should probably make that clear; those are the verbatim changes that are being made by the install script.

Can you let me know, we don’t want anyone to get stuck on this section; it’s just a more in-depth section to help folks understand the changes made by install.sh

The following are the modifications that were made to a Raspbian Wheezy image from the Raspbery Pi foundation “wheezy” (found here).” is an FYI, and we should probably make that clear; those are the verbatim changes that are being made by the install script.

Yes that would be better if you made that clear.

However, now after installing python-setuptools successfully when I try to do a setup.py install I get a load of error messages ending up saying A 0.7-series setuptools cannot be installed with distribuite. Found one at /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packeges/setuptools-0.7.4-py2.7.egg

Any advice?

Sounds like you got through the initial problems with the installation ok. Is that right?

It sounds like yo’re on this page: http://www.dexterindustries.com/BrickPi/program-it/python/

And trying to run

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo python setup.py install

Ok, haven’t seen this error before in running those two lines. Just to be sure, you’re using sudo in there. Also, there are two requirements though RPi.GPIO, pyserial; do you have those installed on your package? I’m pretty sure that NOOBS would install those, but just to be sure.

Also to be sure . . . are you using NOOBS with Raspbian installed? Or did you go a different route, with another of the packages offered?

Sounds like you got through the initial problems with the installation ok. Is that right?
Well in respect that all that stuff that it appeared I had to do and was actually done was an result of poor wording on the install instructions.

Yes I have got RPi.GPIO and pyserial installed. As reported by cat /etc/os-release
I am using:- "Raspbian GNU/ Linux 7 (wheezy) "
The problem occurs on line 6 of the setup.py script the line says:-
import setuptools so we are not even getting to the bits where RPi.GPIO and pyserial would come into the equation.

Hi Mike,
Can you post the complete error message that you are getting when trying to install setup.py . It’ll help us to find out the problem that you are facing.

Thanks, error attached.

Hi Mike,
It looks like you have got Distribute (http://pythonhosted.org//distribute/) installed which is not allowing the Setuptools to work properly.

To use setuptools properly, you have to uninstall distribute first. Please follow the guide here https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools/0.7.4#upgrading-from-distribute and it should work out.


Thanks, now I only have to decode:-

Otherwise, to uninstall Setuptools or Distribute, regardless of the Python version, delete all setuptools* and distribute* files and directories from your system's site-packages directory (and any other sys.path directories) FIRST.

Tried a few things but nothing works so far.

Have you ever noticed instructions for anything about Linux is rather like the attached picture.

OK I think I have found it.
If I delete the distribute directory at:-
then it looks like I can run the setup.py without an error.

I have also successfully run the Ultrasonic test program so things are looking good.

Thanks for your help.

Ha ha ha! Had a good laugh at your bird Mike. Here we were thinking you were grumpy!