Forum category for GrovePi+ is?


I noticed that the “GrovePi” is in the Archived Category which states it is for “retired products”.

Is the GrovePi+ a retired or currently supported product for ModRobotics?


I think it’s “retired” but it’s also still available, and it’s beginning to gain some traction, so I think it (the forum category) should be returned to active status. (IMHO)

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It is listed as “OUT OF STOCK” on the DI website, and not mentioned under “Robots We Make” so archived seems like it is correct as far as ModRobotics. I shant be suggesting they contact

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 12.15.17 PM

It looks like SeeedStudio (and via Amazon, DigiKey, …) is the current source of the boards. Perhaps that should be our first question. If someone is reviving a board they bought in the DI days, we can feel sorry for them, otherwise I’m really not interested in helping new folks because Seeed isn’t supporting them.

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I think the category should be locked - read only, and all new GroveP questions should be given the Seeed Studio Grove link (Gotta love a “modulated…tool set”)

and their Raspberry Pi forum:

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As much as I respect your opinion, I feel compelled to disagree.

  1. It’s not like we’re overloaded with forum members asking stupid questions.

  2. The GrovePi was a Dexter Industries product and is still being used.  And it’s still co-branded too!
    I also think it would be despicable if we took a product, so heavily Dexter Industries branded, and threw any interested user to the wolves, so to speak - and it’s not abandonware, it’s still in production as far as I can tell.


  1. I wouldn’t consign my worst enemy to Seeed Studio’s (non-existent) support.

  2. I don’t have an objection to being a “Dexter Industries product brand advocate”.  One of the reasons I actually bought the GoPiGo was the welcoming atmosphere of the Dexter Industries forums at the time.  IMHO, we turn away forum users with legitimate questions at our peril.

I would rather welcome any interested Dexter product user with open arms.

What say ye?

They are all yours. I need to marshal my compulsive instincts to help everyone that asks for help.

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