Hardware setup doesn't match instructions

HI, KickStarter backer, and just received my kit. I’m trying to assemble the brick, but RPi board doesn’t match the case. The board has -no- mounting holes, and doesn’t line up with the either hole/post on the case. Help?

Nevermind. it’s obviously not idiot proof. :slight_smile:

Hey bmoore, I just want to understand what happened a little better. DId you try to attach the BrickPi directly to the case without the RPi? Can you explain it again? It could help us make the directions a little more understandable.

Yep, I had picked up the BPi forgetting the RPi was in a box. A little to excited putting stuff together. Everything did assemble well after that snafu. Even the VNC into desktop was easy and actually quite cool.

Wow, awesome to hear about the VNC and everything else. Thanks for letting us know!!