HELP REQUIRED! Remote Connection to GoPiGo3 using Rasbpian for Robots

You got it!
:+1: :+1:

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Now I go file, new connection and choose the IP of the robot right ?


At the bottom of the “General” tab is a checkbox for “update desktop preview automatically”, leave it set.

Once you connect and get a desktop on the remote system, close the viewer and you will notice you have a desktop image on the connection icon.  Then, right-click on the connection icon, scroll down to the “update desktop preview” checkbox and un-check it.  Also, do NOT delete the current desktop image.  This way you will have a nice connection icon.

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Ok, can you explain to me from this point I am at, how to get the IP of the robot?

Do I restart it into normal connection mode and then find it from there?


Easiest way:

  1. Shutdown the robot by pressing the power button.
  2. Plug in a wired headset into the audio jack.
  3. Restart the robot by pressing the power button.
  4. Listen.  It will speak the IP address assigned to your robot.
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I dont have a wired headset… Im jumping to ICT to borrow one if they have…


if you plug in a HDMI monitor, there will be a file on the desktop with the IP address.

Interesting. . . . I’m not hearing the IP address thorough a headset, I don’t know why.

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Did I walk up and down 4 floor for nothing. Stay tuned to find out :D.

This is the headphone jack right?


I tried it to confirm, and I received no talkback.

@cyclicalobsessive is the local expert on speech, so I pinged him in a separate topic.  Let’s see what he says.

In the meantime, if you can connect a monitor to it temporarily, you can get the IP address off the desktop.

That’s the power jack for the Raspberry Pi.  You should be using the 12v barrel jack.  The audio jack is the jack to the right of the second HDMI port.

Wait, so this should be the IP right?

My monitor is a whole a** projector btw… :smile:



If you have a projector for a monitor, get yourself a joystick, pedals, and a flight simulator program!! :wink:

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Oh snap its that one, I pinged it through ssh from my local cmd


It’s not technically mine, I wanted to try some projector gaming honestly. ahahaha


So I have this part like this right?


Seriously now, have I seen you on the MSFS forums? I think I remember your avatar.

Or maybe it was X-Plane?

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Keep that checked until after you make your first connection and quit.

Then un-check it.

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I don’t think so. I haven’t played that game. Seems like something my brother would play. Plus this avatar is kinda borrowed from the chillhop raccoon, but if you see me in real life I look like him so I kinda use it for coding purposes :smiley:


At the rate you’re going, you’re going to be the local expert in boot-up and configuration!

Rule #1:
Keep it fun.  Even though we take our robotics seriously, we also remember that this is supposed to be fun too, so don’t get too stressed.

So where do you hide?  Maybe we can meet for a beer and swap lies about our robots? :wink:

Me, I’m in Moscow Russia with the granddaughters - as seen in my avatar.

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There we go. I am in

so now I can go here and uncheck it right?