I was wondering, has anyone written java library for BrickPi? I’ve been working on my racing robots and find that python is way toooooo slow for real-time image processing. 7 seconds for 1 640x480 image isn’t gonna be fast enough for a robot to drive autonomously.
I could use C++, but I suck at it, so it would be nice to have a java library.
I did some comparison of OpenCV and AWT. The results are here.
I checked the install script into my github, but I still need to write some examples for the project and a step-by-step tutorial that others can easily follow.
I’m writing a new tutorial specifically for OpenCV with Java. I checked in a few things into my github BrickPiJava repo. Once I get that sorted out, I plan to write a tutorial on using OpenCV + Java + BrickPi