Lego rubickuber

Hi I am having the following problem:- “Taking pictures of each face, and determining cube configuration.” The program then just hangs in that sate

I am using the Raspberry PI 3 as well as BrickPI

Which version of BrickPi are you using? Is it specifically a BrickPi3 (v3.x.x)?

Is the cube being manipulated correctly for the pictures? Does the BricKuber take pictures of all six sides of the cube?

Hi Matt

Thanks for the email.

The BrickPi is version V3.2.1

The Raspberry Pi is 3 Model B V1.2

The problem is when I try run the program I get the message Busy taking photos but nothing happens. I have tested the camera using raspistill and the camera works.


Hi Matt

Thanks for the email.

The BrickPi is version V3.2.1

The Raspberry Pi is 3 Model B V1.2

The problem is when I try run the program I get the message Busy taking photos but nothing happens. I have tested the camera using raspistill and the camera works.


Hi @bernardthechampion,

Can you go on and set the following 2 variables to True and then show us what you’re getting (either by copy-pasting the output or by showing us a screenshot of your terminal)?

What the BricKuber is supposed to do is to take just a bunch of photos by issuing this command repeatedly:
raspistill -w 300 -h 300 -t 1 --imxfx cartoon -o /tmp/BricKuber_x_face.jpg

And this is it.

Let us know where you stand after you enable the debug mode.

Thank you!

I have the same problem. After enabling the debug, I get an infinite loop printing

Current Position: 25

The camera is working; I’ve tested it. My guess is the motors are not working – any suggestion to check each motor separately?

Also, I think this post has a similar issue which has escaped your attention: Motors not moving/ engaged, program only moves the arm of the camera