Motor Controlling in C

Hello, I’m interested in the BrickPi and would like to continue a project running on the stock nxt with the brick pi.

Somewhere I read (source at the end) that the motor controlling via BrickPi and C is not so good.
For my project I need absolutely the “rotateMotorDegree” function, because I need to positionate three motors at the degree exactly. (making a scanning and printing robot)

Is this (and other commands like this) implemented and working?

source: (French)

So we’ve seen this post in a few different places and we’ve tried to address some of the problems they bring up.

We recently made some repairs to the C functions. Motor tracking is not perfect; it might be hard to write such a program in C. Is it possible to write this program in Python?

I think it would be possible, but i dont know Phyton :smiley:

But I recently found this:

If this would be running on the RPi I could command the motors through this and use the BrickPi for the sensors.

oh sh***

monobrick is using C# :smiley: I didn’t saw this…

But I think it would be possible for me to use phyton.

So for now I’ve done some research and I think i will use the brickpi for the sensors and two motors and will also put two stepper motors and program that all in C, beause I want to learn C a little bit more for university