NXT Infrared Sensor and BrickPi

Does the BrickPi support the NXT Infrared sensor? Presently, I only see support for the EV3 Infrared sensor.



Hey Cecilia, We haven’t developed any code for it yet. Mostly because we don’t own one and no one has asked for it yet. You’re talking about the HiTechnic infrared sensor, is that right?

Yes, that is the sensor. https://www.hitechnic.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=NSK1042

We used one with the NXT brick last year but wanted to try it with the BrickPi this year. I can purchase the EV3 infrared sensor if necessary since you do have code samples available. However, my BrickPi firmware is not compatible apparently. So I will need to get an Arduino board and ISP Firmware Programmer kit. Are these instructions current? http://www.dexterindustries.com/BrickPi/design/brickpi-firmware-update/flash-new-brickpi-firmware-using-an-arduino/

