Pieeprom-2020-10-28.bin - An interesting BETA EEPROM image for the Pi-4

One issue that people have observed with the Raspberry Pi, is it’s sensitivity to less-than-stellar brands of SD cards.

It turns out that there’s a reason for this:

  • Older, or less brilliant SD cards tend to be slower than newer, higher quality cards.
  • By default, the “number of retries” given a SD card if it didn’t come right up was a big fat ZERO! In other words, if it didn’t come up first-time, the Pi simply gave up and went home.

There is a new beta firmware update available that can be installed on a Pi-4 that helps eliminate this.

Additionally, it updates the way the USB3 interfaces are enumerated on boot-up, to provide improved compatibility with USB3 external devices when booting.

There’s a whole lot of interesting information located here:

This EEPROM update is, very likely, already on your Pi. All you have to do is set your delivery channel to “beta” and then run rpi-eeprom-update

To change the EEPROM delivery channel:
(as noted on the Raspberry Pi EEPROM documentation page)

"But wait - there’s MORE! "

A worthy gentleman, (RonR), on the Raspberry Pi Forms has developed - and maintains - a ncurses-based utility for managing the Pi-4 EEPROM’s.

If you have a Pi-4, it allows you to update, downgrade, change release channel, etc., and manage the way your Pi handles its EEPROM image without the risk of potentially fatal command-line mistakes as root.

It’s a ZIP file that contains a script, (ncurses based, like raspi-config), that’s a Hot Smokin’ Weapon for your Pi-4.

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