Precision AD/DA board for the Raspberry Pi

While at Chip and Dip, I saw an interesting accessory: A high precision AD/DA board for the Pi that might just be what the doctor ordered.

Fits almost everything.

They have it for about $35/$40 USD but you should be able to find it for less.


Ok, I found it, but it doesn’t have the most important spec that I never knew was important to me…

It says it has 8 channels of 24-bit ADC. Now that sounds impressive until I remembered swapping out a pin compatible mcp3208 12-bit ADC for an mcp3008 10-bit ADC and expecting to be able to get more accurate voltage and current (with ACS710current sensor). readings. It wasn’t the ADC precision that mattered, it was the noise and stability of conversion that was frustrating my precision.

My “two bit” EE skills are not up to using 24-bits.


I am using High-Precision-AD-DA-Board with Raspberry PI 3+B. Individually i can use Analog output and Digital output but not able to use it too gether. I tried with GPIO 5, 6, 24,25 but python3 program terminats

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