Problems Programing Scratch

Hi, I’m Jose Luis Tomás, teacher of Computer Science in a high school in Manises (Valencia - Spain). We are talking long time ago (I think more o less one year).

We have a project with the students to program a robot (Raspberry Pi 2 + BrickPi), with the Scratch, but at this moment, we have a lot of problems.

Sorry we need your help.

We have only got the motors to work well, but we have not been successful with the sensors. Also , the motors only work if we first open an example and then open a scratch project created by us. It seems very strange.

We are saving the new projects in the folder /home/pi and we connect to the Raspberry Pi, remotely via VNC with a PC.

We have followed the steps of the video of the following link, to read the sensors:

In the first time we send one broadcast and after we use the sensor block, but we can’t find the sensor in the sensor value pulldown menu. This is horrible for us, because we need to read data from de ultrasonic sensor, light sensor and contact sensor.

We bought the BrickPi about 3 years ago and now we installed the image Raspbian for Robots

Is there any problem in using this BrickPi Model with the Raspbian for Robots image ( donwloaded from this link: ?

Thanks for everything:

José Luis

Hi @jotona

am I right in assuming you’re the teacher of these students? Problems with programming in Scratch
Or am I dealing with a separate issue?

Also, you’re using a BrickPi+ and not a BrickPi3 ? That would explain the issue, as they are not entirely compatible.

Let me dig up support for the BrickPi+


I think the answer here should help

Yes Cleo I’m the teacher, I anwer in the other post.

Thanks a lot.

I’m going to close this thread then, thanks