Ostrich, if you’re using the ultrasonic sensor, is it possible to try running that example code? I’m not sure if I understand what’s not working with the code or the BrickPi here.
Hey Ostrich, glad we got this figured out. sorry if the coding was confusing.
Can you elaborate a little? We can definitely take a shot at making it easier if you give us an idea. We thought that well commented examples would be a good start, but we’re happy to put more out there if you give us an idea.
Well when I’m programing my BrickPi, It would be nice to have like a pdf file that could be printed out saying that BrickPi.MotorSpeed[Port_A] = Variable
Sets the speed of motor on port A.
The comments were really useful but a coding manual would be even better.
It would be something like a dummy’s guide to the brickpi (except not under that name because of copyright!)