I got a BrickPi starter set for Christmas this year, so I’ve been working on a python test script for my Mindsensors AbsoluteIMU-ACG sensor (integrated accelerometer, gyroscope and compass).
The script works and I would like to share the code for others to use. Of course I could past or attach the code on the forum, but perhaps there are better ways to upload it?
Hey Frans, That’s fantastic! We would love to include it in our Github repo for the BrickPi. Are you familiar with Github? You could clone the github repo, add in your code, and do a pull request. It would go into the standard python library that folks download for use with the BrickPi. I’m assuming you haven’t modified BrickPi.py, just added a script that runs the I2C for the sensor, correct? If so, that shouldn’t be a problem to accept the pull request.
If that seems like too much work, you can indeed past it here and we’ll try to work it into the library ourselves.
Hello. No I’m not familiar with Github, but managed to set it up and do a pull request.
The BrickPi.py file hasn’t been modified. It is a test file similar to those in the Sensor_Examples directory for DexterIndustries sensors. So yes, just a script that runs I2C for the sensor.
I hope it is useful.
Awesome! I just merged and it’s now part of the official release. Thanks so much for your contribution!