BrickPi arrived the other day.
Although tried, it does not operate well.
Please give me advice.
Raspbian and wiringPi were installed in RaspberryPi.
wiringPi checked that performed examples/serialTest.c and the communication by UART operated.
The following commands were executed and operation of BrickPi was checked.
git clone
cd BrickPi_C/Project_Examples/simplebot
gcc -o simplebot_simple -lrt -lm -L/usr/local/lib -lwiringPi -I …/…/Drivers simplebot_simple.c
sudo ./simplebot_simple
BrickPiSetup: 0
BrickPiSetupSensors: -1
The return value of BrickPiRx of BrickPiSetupSensors of BrickPi.h is as follows.
It seems that timeout has occurred in processing of the following of BrickPiRx.
while(serialDataAvail(UART_file_descriptor) <= 0){
if(timeout && ((CurrentTickUs() - OrigionalTick) >= timeout))return -2;
It may be that BrickPi possibly has not answered.
Does preparation required for others occur?
Is there any method of checking that AtMega328 of BrickPi is operating?
Must the firmware of BrickPi possibly be written in?