VNC Connection Setup

I’m having trouble connecting to my BPi using VNC. I am using a pre-setup SD card from Dexter Industries. I edited the SD card by adding the “ip=” to one of the files as instructed by the “getting started with the brickpi” YouTube video. After this, I plugged in a mouse and keyboard and monitor to connect to the wifi using the wifi dongle that came with the starter bundle. I know the connection and internet works, since I was able to browse google. When I type in terminal “sudo ifconfig” to see the IP, it says under wlan0 that “inet addr:192.168.##.###” instead of the other one I set. If I try connecting to either of these IPs using VNC the connection times out.

Have I made an obvious mistake or are there common mistakes that could do this?

Hey Lachlan,

Which version of the BrickPi SD card are you using? What’s the date on it?

If it has “2014” in it, you should be able to connect dynamically using “raspberrypi.local” wherever you would use an ip number. For example, if yuo’re correctly connected to the same network, you should be able to ping the raspberry pi, using bounjour servics, like this:

ping raspberrypi.local

In the latest image version, we have installed Bonjour. If you have itunes installed on the computer you’re using, or you’re using an Apple, you should have bonjour already installed. If not, you can install it separately here:

I’m not sure what effect changing the “ip=″ line will have on the automatic address assignment by bonjour. Can you give it a shot and let us know how it works?