What else I need to to build something as I got BrickPi

The way I’m reading this at http://www.dexterindustries.com/BrickPi/getting-started/ seems like I need to have Rasberry Pi as well?

Can anyone tell me where do I get the SD Card & Rasberry Pi to build something using brickpi?

Thanks in advance…

Hey msphydus, that’s right, you’ll need a Raspberry Pi, and an SD card.

You can rind the Raspberry Pi and SD Card on our website here: http://www.dexterindustries.com/BrickPi.html

Or check out Amazon for the Raspberry Pi here, and SD Card here.

RASPBERRY PI MODEL B 756-8308 Raspberry Pi B

BrickPi Raspberry Pi Distro - 4GB

Ok, That is great!!

Wish I should have known this when I participated KickStarter BrickPi project.

Since I already had BrickPi as part of KiskStarter project, not sure worth buying ‘BrickPi Starter Bundle’ as stated at http://www.dexterindustries.com/BrickPi.html


The KickStarter project does have as it’s strapline “BrickPi turns your Raspberry Pi into a LEGO® robot.” [emphasis added]
Can see that it would be irritating if you didn’t notice that at the time though.
If you’re in the US cheapest supplier for the Pi appears to be Newark (http://www.newark.com/raspberry-pi-accessories, $40 with an SD Card).