Batteries overheating


(1) We are using brickpi to drive a lego motor car. We ran scratch code to make the car move around. On the second iteration of the execution, the batteries got very hot and melted the pack holder (at the cable connection slot). Anyone experienced overheated batteries? We used 8 AA amazon basic rechargeable batteries that I charged just before using them.

(2) Has anyone tried using one 9V battery instead of 8 AA batteries (1.5v x 8 = 12V) that are typically used to power brickpi?



How many motors were you using? Were the motors being overloaded? Can you post your program, and maybe also a few pictures of the car?

Are you using BrickPi3 (hardware version 3.x.x)?

I was using 1 large EV3 servo motor. I don’t think the motor was overloaded, but the car got stuck on an obstacle. I don’t know if that overloaded the motor. Yes, I am using hardware ver 3.x.x (BrickPi3). We unfortunately dismantled the car. Attached is the scratch code screenshot.
