ok thx i did that but when i ping its static ip it says:
JEG:~ Juliet$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
ping: sendto: No route to host
Request timeout for icmp_seq 4
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 5
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 6
and when i ping raspberry.local it says:
I have problems with connection. When I run THE hardware test : python Cannon open file ’ home/pi/desktop/brickpi_python/brick_hadwaretest.py’: errno 2 No such file Or directory
Window 10
When I run THE hardware test in scratch: I het THE message in my first message.
When info THE motortest: I het THE message: remonte sensor connections eneble.
In THE motortest I can put on THE motor with THE cursor key.
I hope thuis informatieontsluiting is enough.
Kees Kemps, THE netherlands.
Hey Keeskemps, can you post a screenshot of the error you’re getting? That would help a lot to understand what yo’re trying and where it’s failing. Thanks!
To answer you better, may I know where you got the SD card from and what all you have tried with it ? As a quick solution you can download our image and reburn the SD card following the video here. If you do not wish to burn the image yourself then you buy the SD card with the operating system preinstalled from our website.
It sounds a great idea to use Bluetooth keyboard or mouse to control GopiGo but we haven’t tried this, if you are using the official Raspbian image you can try following the instructions given here .
Else if you are using the Raspbian for robots image from Dexter(Check the attachment) then you will have to use the Advanced communication option from the desktop in the Raspberry GUI, enable Bluetooth and follow the instructions given in the link above
I can not make a good SD cart. I foolow yuor instructions, but not with a good result.
I bought the SD-cart by Dexer industries this mounth (see attachments). Can you sent me a new one please? I have paid for it.
R. Kees Kemps
on a othet computer i have made a new SD cart with succes. I follow your instructions and expand the cart with sudo raspi-config.
But… the problems are the same. I want return everithing afther 3 weeks trying. This is no fun!!!
Regards Kees kemps