Questions about the "Remote Camera Robot" project

Apparently my servo-movement control messages got queued up on the 'bot itself, waiting to be executed.  I don’t know this for a fact, but I strongly suspect that the server instance running on the 'Pi was grabbing all the messages, buffering them, and then serving them up to the python message handler code when, and as, the handler could accept them.

When I reduced the servo pause-time, (the slight period of time needed to let the servo do what it wants to do), from 0.50 to 0.25 seconds, the lagging and queue-up of messages was eliminated/significantly reduced.

I also allowed the two servos to operate concurrently - that is, not waiting for one servo movement on one axis to complete before allowing a movement on the other axis.  This also sped things up considerably.

There are other optimizations I want to do, but I want to get the code working  before I get distracted tweaking it. :wink:

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Interesting - On Carl, I occasionally saw under-voltage throttling had occurred flag when allowing both servos to operate at the same time.

BTW, the servos I have SG90 are 0.12 sec/60deg movement.

You can check for throttling by running this command in a separate shell:

while true; do vcgencmd measure_temp && vcgencmd measure_clock arm && vcgencmd get_throttled; sleep 2; echo ''; done


0x50000 throttling has occurred - under-voltage has occurred prior
0x50005 throttling active - currently under-voltage
0x20000 freq capping has occurred - over 80 degC temp occurred prior
0x20002 freq capping active due to temp over 80 degC
0x10000 under-voltage has occurred
0x10001 under-voltage active

Interpreting get_throttled bits

0: under-voltage 0x1
1: arm frequency capped 0x2
2: currently throttled 0x4
16: under-voltage has occurred <4.63v 0x1
17: arm frequency capped has occurred > 80degC 0x2
18: throttling has occurred 0x4

Temps: should stay under 80 degC to avoid freq-capping

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Possibly true. . . I would not doubt it.

Now that I have the Pi-4 rigged, I have a Sears Di-Hard on order!  (Just Kidding!)

I grabbed the script, and will try installing it on Charlie when I get a chance.

BTW, What’s the best way to grab the streaming video feed from the 'bot, since I want to send some video.

No idea. There are so many different ways I’ve seen folks program using the video stream, I have not yet understood how to put any two of them together.

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It turns out that the “regression” was caused by the fact that I removed all  the motion control code from the .py file - including the “gopigo3_robot.stop()” command from the “stop” event handler.  Once I noticed that, things work like a champ!

I now have Charlie being controlled by both the mouse, (movement), and the keyboard, (moving around the POV).  Even though Charlie doesn’t have a voice yet, he still worked wonderfully chasing my wife around the house.  :rofl:

This is the first major goal for the Remote Camera Robot project.  In doing this, I have:

  1. Learned more than I possibly wanted to know about the nipple.js library. :wink:
  2. Learned how JavaScript data is embedded into an HTML file, and how to bind it to the part of the on-screen experience you want it to be bound to.
  3. Learned how to capture events being returned from the nipple.js library, and make them do what I want them to do.
  4. Learned how to generate and capture keyboard keypress events, and how to use them to send messages to the server-side code.
  5. Combining items 1 - 4, I learned how to combine the two different input methods and make them both available when controlling the robot.

Additionally, I was able to locate and fix several issues with the code as it existed:

  1. The original python code did not have a case for joystick “force” being zero - that is, the joystick being active  but not moving.  (i.e. Mouse clicked, but not moved.)  This caused the robot to jerk in a strange way, (usually to the left), when the mouse was first clicked.  Creating a case for “force == 0” allowed me to control this.
  2. When the client sends a “stop” event, (the robot should stop moving), none of the other client-side parameters, (i.e. force, direction, angular direction, etc.), were set to sensible “not moving” defaults.  The result of this is that the initial movement of the robot can suddenly “jump” in a direction that it was previously going when being commanded to move a different direction - as the original directional data is still preserved in the previous message parameters.  Modifying the HTML client-side code to reset all  message parameters to sensible values when stopped solved this problem.
  3. The robot had a tendency to “surge”, (i.e. accelerate too aggressively based on joystick force), when moved.  The degree of acceleration is based on a formula for “determined speed”.  Viz.:
    determined_speed = MIN_SPEED + force * (MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED) / MAX_FORCE
    Adding a constant to the denominator, (i.e. MIN_SPEED + force * (MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED) /( 2 * MAX_FORCE)), helps control this.  The larger this constant, the more slowly the robot accelerates.
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Oh, that sounds like a great servo class:

  • servo = Servo(center=0, rotation_rate=0.002) # create Servo controller instance,
    • centers servo as part of initialization
  • servo.point_to(angle, blocking=False)
    • moves servo to angle.
    • Blocking = True: returns when servo is pointed to angle
    • Default Blocking = False: returns immediately,
      (but servo thread waits for servo to reach angle)
  • # convenience method
    calls self.point_to(servo.CENTER, blocking=blocking)
  • servo.pointed_at() # returns set pointing angle of servo
  • servo.ROTATION_RATE # rate servo turns in degrees/second
  • servo.CENTER # value that will center this servo
  • # turns servo power off
  • servo.on() # turns servo power on and points servo to the set pointing angle
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BTW, do you have a github repository for Charlie set up?

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Jeez!  You sound just like my wife!!  The paint isn’t even dry  on one project  before you gotta million other wants!!!  :rofl:

Serious answer?  Not yet.  That’s a stretch-goal for when I figure out how to do reasonable robot development external  to the robot itself.

“Git”, and GitHub, is an entire course of study in and of itself, and I fear - absent a clear understanding - that I could spend more time trying to figure out the entire Git process than it would benefit me.

I used Git/GitHub once before, with a PC based Python script, (that ultimately became a “DOS” terminal app), that played craps.  I used Visual Studio Code, its integrated “Git” support, and created a GitHub repository for my craps program.  Maybe I am wrong, but it seemed to me that every other time I tried to commit something, I ended up with this, that, or something else, out of sync with “master”, (or master being all pear-shaped with respect to something else), and I would end up “refactoring”, (or something else, I forgot the term), the entire repository so that everything was all upright again.

Now, the “being out of sync” with the master branch, in and of itself, didn’t bother me.  As far as I knew, all I had to do was merge the development branch with “master” and everything would be fine.  And, sometimes it was.  More often than not, “master” would be ahead of something, behind something else, and sideways with respect to the rest of it, and I had no idea how it got that way.

What made things even scarier is that when things did settle down, I’d end up with versions of stuff that I had no idea where, or what, they came from.  The only thing missing from that pot of spaghetti was a fine Bolognese sauce!

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Oh, that sounds like it’s getting way more complicated than it needs to be. :wink:

IMHO, I’d rather the sensor and actuator classes/methods be as simple a possible, with any complexity added by the supporting code.  Once you start adding “intelligence” to the sensor/actuator methods, you end up with a call that you expect to do one thing, doing something entirely different because the method for the device out-clevered you.

My preference for a servo class would be more like this:

  • Create, or have available, certain calibration constants for the servo(s)
    • A “center-of-travel” angular offset  (default = 0 - no offset)
    • A “maximum angle” limit-of-travel value  (default - none, calculated based on the angular offset, if it exists)
    • A “minimum angle” limit-of-travel value  (default - none, calculated based on the angular offset, if it exists)
  • A “set_servo” method that would take certain numerical values or pre-defined constants such that:
    • “90” would return the servo to the calculated center position taking into account the servo’s “center-of-travel” offset calibration value.  (i.e. If the actual “center-of-travel”, (facing forward, for example), was 87°, the calibration constant would adjust it so that an angular input of 90° would bring the servo to the actual center position.)
      This is necessary because the mounting arrangement of the servo, the number of teeth on the servo pinion gear, and the design of a particular servo “horn”, (actuator), may cause the servo’s mechanical  center of travel to point to something far and away from a true “center” value.
    • “center” would be the same as inputting an angular value of “90°”
    • “numerical value in degrees” would move the servo to the corrected degree angle, (based on the calibration constants), such that any attempt to move beyond the specified limits of travel would stop at those limits.
    • “off” would disable, (turn off), the servo so that it was not being driven.
  • The servo would never, repeat never  do anything  based on a previously entered value.  I was constantly getting bitten by that working with the Remote Camera Robot code - values that were previously entered were assumed to be current and valid.
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Sigh. . .

I’ve been thinking that - having reached this particular milestone - that it’s time for me to “git” my act together and start a REAL project, using REAL tools.  Especially since you’re not the only one who has asked this question.

Up until now, this has been a “proof-of-concept” - a kind-of “Betcha can’t do it!” project to see if it could be done, (of course!), and if I could be the one that does it, (also “of course!” but not necessarily so obvious).

Now that I have surprised myself, (along with everyone else, I’ll bet), by actually accomplishing this part of the over-all goal, it’s time to get serious and define the next major milestone:


  • Create a workable, repeatable, programming environment that can leverage, but not necessarily depend on, access to the GoPiGo 'bot to work.
  • Integrate this with a Git repository, (I would use GitHub, simply because it’s there, I have an account, and I haven’t bunged it up so badly yet that I’ve been banned.)
  • Be able to communicate code, and issues, back-and-forth between the development environment and Charlie.
  • Be able to do this repeatably and consistently.
  • Be able to do this repeatably and consistently without making a major balls-up of my repository.
  • Do this in such a way that it is useful to others who may be interested in my code scribbles.

My anxiety with this is best summed up in an e-mail (snippet) I sent to my brother discussing this project:

What say ye?

Here is everything I know about git - and my dev process at the bottom:

git configuration and use

sudo apt-get update

(mirror was not responding so changed /etc/apt/sources.list
to be 
and re-ran sudo apt-get update.  then the apt-get of git-core worked)

sudo apt-get install git-core

git config --global "<git_username>"
git config --global "<git_username>"  (does not expose)
git config --list

== for my git repositories ==
git commit --amend --reset-author


git status
git pull

git add 
git commit
git push

--- pulling down git repository to local machine
On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.

Clone or download buttonUnder the repository name, click Clone or download.

Clone URL buttonIn the Clone with HTTPs section, click  to copy the clone URL for the repository.

Open Terminal.

Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.

Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied in Step 2.

git clone
Press Enter. Your local clone will be created.

git clone
Cloning into `Spoon-Knife`...
remote: Counting objects: 10, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remove: Total 10 (delta 1), reused 10 (delta 1)
Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), done.

--- checking in your changes
git status   to see what changes exist
git add <changed_file_xyz>
git commit
     enter a comment, ctrl-X, return
git push
    user:  <git_username>
    pw:    <git_password>

Using Git

***** SET YOURSELF UP *****
git config --global "<git_username>"

git config --global "<your_email_address>". (Expose email)
git config --global "<git_username>"  (hides email)


git config --global
git config --global


git init


git add <file>
git add <dir>


git status

tracked: new/changed/no changes  (to be commited)
untracked: files not tracked or affected by git


git rm <path or file>
git rm -f <path or file>   to force


git remote add Pi3RoadTest<git_username>/Pi3RoadTest

***** BRING DOWN from remote repository 

git pull Pi3RoadTest master
git pull <remote> <branchname or master>

**** Pull from remote overwrite local
git reset —hard RWPi/master


git commit -a -m "Commit Comment"


git push -u <repository> master

git push      (when git config --list has the repository info already)
Username for '': <git_username>
Password for 'https://<git_username>': <git_password>

git fetch all
git reset --hard Pi3RoadTest/master
git checkout -- <filename>     (before doing an add/commit)

***** On branch master
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.

git pull origin        will clean up local to match remote

======= if ever get error: corrupt loose object ' xxxx'

1) Create a backup of the corrupt directory
  cp -R foo foo-backup
2) Make a new clone of the remote repository into a new directory
  git clone<git_username>/foo foo-newclone
3) Delete the corrupt .git subdir
  rm -rf foo/.git
4) Move the newly cloned .git subdir into foo:
  mv foo-newclone/.git foo
5) Delete the rest of the temporary new clone
  rm -rf foo-newclone

==== Git setup on Mac after OS upgrade ====

sudo xcode-select --reset
xcode-select --install  (agree to commandline tools install)

====== recover file overwritten by git pull or git checkout ====

git log -g    
git reflog
git show <revision>[:file]

Remove file or folder from staging area  (from git add)
To remove from staging, we can use following command-

git rm [-r] --cached <file_or_folder-r_name>
Here, we are using the rm command along with switch --cached which indicates the file to be removed from the staging or cached area.

Undo local commit before push:

git reset --soft HEAD^1
Above will undo the latest commit. if you do git status you will see files in the staging area. 

How to tell if a file is tracked in git:

git ls-files [<filename>]

===== Usual Dev Process (in existing repository)

mkdir new_project
cd new_project
nano (or copy from template)
add as only line:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
save-exit: ctl-x, y

chmod +x
git add
git commit  
"initial"  (assumes nano editor, if on laptop/mac its vi)
ctl-x,y    (assumes nano, if on laptop/mac vi: esc-: w,q)
git push

BTW: the forum just told me "you’ve contributed 26.6% of the replies, let others have a voice in the conversation"

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True. . .

Since I’m posting progress reports, that’s kinda expected.

Is this a problem? (in this particular case) Normally, I just pop-in, offer whatever help I can, and pop out again.

I’m working on rebuilding Visual Studio Code on my Win-10 box. I have to re-install git, and a few other things, and we’ll see how it goes.

You misunderstood - the forum was telling me that I’ve contributed 26% of the replies to your post and so I am the potentially bullying voice here.

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Ahh nuts!  Not bullying, providing much needed support and guidance, which is HUGELY appreciated.  Maybe I should ask Nichole to white-list you on this topic? :grin:

Oh, and by the way, here’s the repo:

Now all I gotta do is figure out how to transfer files to the 'bot from Visual Studio Code.

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GitHub/development update:

I now have Visual Studio Code and WinSCP installed.

The dev process is a three-cornered beast that goes something like this:

  1. Do something in Visual Studio Code and save it.
    • If I don’t forget, periodically “commit” changes.
    • If I don’t forget, periodically push changes to the master branch on GitHub.
  2. Use WinSCP to move the changed files to Charlie.
    (It is already set up to log-in and move to the correct directories.)
  3. Go to the VNC session on my system to load the code into Thonny, execute, and see the logging messages that I am using for debugging.

The real fly in the ointment is resisting the urge to make changes in Thonny.  Also, there is no provision for debugging in VSCode, I have to do that in Thonny, but not correct  any mistakes I find!


Well, I’m getting there.

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My analysis of the relationship between the speed/force factors and the speed/acceleration of the robot:

I did some doodling to figure out what factors had the most effect on the ability to control the robot as increasing force was applied.  Here are my findings:


  • The formula for the speed of the robot is given as:
    Speed = MIN_SPEED + force * (MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED) ÷ MAX_FORCE
  • Numerical constants as originally given:
    MIN_SPEED = 100
    MAX_SPEED = 300
    MAX_FORCE = 5  (with an obvious minimum of zero)
  • The algebraic calculation of this formula goes left-to-right, multiplication and division before addition and subtraction, except where parenthesis override this.
    In other words:
    • The difference between MAX_SPEED and MIN_SPEED is calculated first.
    • That difference is multiplied by the actual force applied to the controller, which is always a positive value.
    • That product is divided by MAX_FORCE.
    • And finally, that quotient is added to MIN_SPEED


  1. It should be obvious that at the two extremes the minimum possible speed is MIN_SPEED when force - 0, and MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED when force is maximized, increasing linearly from one to the other.
    • If we assume that the speed is forced to be zero when the force is zero, you will notice that the speed jumps immediately to a value of 100 or greater as soon as any force is applied, rising rapidly to the maximum possible speed.
    • If that assumption is not made, (i.e. the case “if force == 0 then speed = 0” is not enforced), note that the zero force point is extremely unstable because one motion parameter, (the robot’s motion “state”), is “stopped” while the other parameter, (the robots calculated speed), is at the relatively large minimum speed value.  Because of this any slight oscillation of the joystick or mouse will cause rapid and jerky motion of the robot.
      It has also been observed by this author that the speed at zero force does not always drop to zero, depending on what joystick motions were made prior to force being zero.
    • Due to yet a different bug in the original client-side software; when the force was reduced to zero, the other values for direction, angle, etc. were not reset to reasonable default values for not being in motion.  This caused the robot to suddenly zoom off in an arbitrary direction, (usually some angle to the left), when the slightest force was applied.
  2. If we modify the existing constants such that MIN_SPEED = 0, two important affects will be observed:
    • The slope of the speed/force graph increases by a factor of MAX_SPEED ÷ (MAX_SPEED - the original MIN_SPEED), (in this case, 300 ÷ 200, or 1.5), because the original two end-points were MIN_SPEED and MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED, whereas the new endpoints are now zero and MAX_SPEED.  Note that (MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED) = MAX_SPEED when MIN is zero.
    • This increase of slope is offset by the fact that speeds at the low end are more easily controllable, since they start at zero and increase linearly, instead of jumping immediately to a large constant value.
  3. We can make the speed of the robot more easily controllable in one of two ways:
    • Multiply the MAX_FORCE value in the denominator by some positive number greater than one.  This has the effect of reducing the maximum speed possible at max force to MAX_SPEED ÷ the positive number, thus reducing the overall slope of the curve, making the robot accelerate more slowly and reach a lower maximum speed at maximum force.
    • Make MAX_FORCE larger.  This has the effect of “stretching” the curve along the “X” axis, making the slope of the curve lower by a factor of the new MAX_FORCE minus the old MAX_FORCE.
      In other words, if the MAX_FORCE is increased from 5 to 10, the slope of the curve will be half of what it was before, everything else being equal.  Note that this also assumes the increase of force is linear in relation to the movement of the joystick/input device.

Additionally, the calculation of the motor speed while going forward is relatively complex, (reducing the overall forward speed), whereas the calculation of the motor speed in reverse is essentially something like “motor_speed = calculated speed.”  This causes the actual forward speed of the robot to be relatively slow, whereas reverse causes the robot to jump back like a “bat outta hell,” reducing controlability and making reverse movements more dangerous for the 'bot.


We can make the robot more easily controlled by applying one or more of the following corrective actions:

  1. Reduce the minimum allowable speed to zero.  (Highly recommended.)
  2. Enforce the “if force == 0 than speed = 0” condition.  (Also highly recommended)
  3. Multiply the “MAX_FORCE” parameter in the equation’s denominator by some value larger than one.  This will reduce the maximum possible speed to MAX_SPEED ÷ whatever value you used.
  4. Make “MAX_FORCE” larger.  This will make the transition from minimum speed to maximum speed take longer.
  5. Correcting the calculation for the speed when the robot is traveling backwards to reduce the speed to a reasonable and controllable value.
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I have begun working on the test code for retrieving dynamic joystick data, both axes and button information, in real-time.

There are several problems I am confronting here:

  • The available specifications were obviously written for people already familiar with the subject.  As a consequence, a lot of information for the neophyte is left to the imagination.
  • The existing examples are, all of them, written in the context of writing browser-based games.  The, (obviously bizarre), idea that someone might want to capture that data for something other than moving Duke Nukem around the screen had not occurred to them.
    • As a consequence of this, any helpful code snippets are buried under an avalanche of cruft and gagh, seemingly impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff.
  • As I said before, the example code is not for the faint of heart.  Even the code for “joystick test” programs have little in the way of documentation - expecting the reader to have a PhD in Computer Science, Python, JavaScript, HTML5, and God Only Knows what else - to even begin reading the convoluted mess.

A consequence of all this is that I have my work cut out for me.

I had begun a “test” program that only captures the raw data and prints it to a text box on the screen, where I gathered bits-and-pieces of various bits of sample code that I found wandering around.  The result?  A train-wreck worse than those at the bottom of El-Cojone Pass!

My next step is to try and “roll my own” - perhaps taking advantage of existing code - but primarily structuring it the way I want it done.

I am also making it a primary requirement to exhaustively document everything I’m doing, while I’m doing it, either in-line or in a corresponding technical document.

Quite frankly, I don’t expect it to work - at least not first time.  However, what I do expect is code that I can read, understand, and modify in ways that make sense to me.

Once I figure out how to get the data I need, I can begin the process of getting it to the robot.

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We’re making progress!

I have now gotten to the point where I can - usually - read at least some of the buttons on my joystick.

Axis data? Not so easy.

Getting all the button data? Not so easy. I can (usually) always get button 0. Sometimes the button data is hidden in the button structure, other times it is visible as a property of the button itself. What makes these things vary the way they do is something I’m still experimenting with.

Even if I cut-and-paste code from working examples, it doesn’t work.

However, I can get at least some of the data.

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JavaScript question here: (Ref: Gamepad API located at

Given the following code:

    var joystick_data

    window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", (event) => {
      joystick_data = event.gamepad;
        console.log("A gamepad was connected:");
        console.log("joystick_data.buttons[0] - joystick_data.buttons[23]");
        console.log(joystick_data.buttons[0], " - ", joystick_data.buttons[23]);

      window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", (event) => {
        console.log("A gamepad was disconnected:");

when run returns the following in the browser console:

A gamepad was connected:
Gamepad { id: "06a3-075c-Saitek X52 Flight Control System", index: 0, mapping: "", hand: "", displayId: 0, connected: true, buttons: (34) […], axes: (10) […], timestamp: 251, pose: GamepadPose }
06a3-075c-Saitek X52 Flight Control System
Array(34) [ GamepadButton, GamepadButton, GamepadButton, GamepadButton, GamepadButton, GamepadButton, GamepadButton, GamepadButton, GamepadButton, GamepadButton, … ]
joystick_data.buttons[0] - joystick_data.buttons[23]
GamepadButton { pressed: true, touched: true, value: 1 }  - GamepadButton { pressed: false, touched: false, value: 0 }

Note particularly the last line where I read two of the gamepad buttons.  Button 0 is the trigger, which I was holding.  Button 23 is one step on a 3-position selector switch - and is always on when selected - and it is.

Note that gamepad button 0 shows true and gamepad button 23 shows false, (not selected).

Now, here is a “closeup” of the gamepad button objects:

First is the gamepad button object, then the expansion of that object
(There’s a little triangle next to the word "gamepad indicating it can be expanded.)

Gamepad button 0, (the main “trigger”), which I am holding:

GamepadButton { pressed: true, touched: true, value: 1 }

​pressed: false
​touched: false
​value: 0

Gamepad button 23, (which should be pressed):

GamepadButton { pressed: false, touched: false, value: 0 }

​pressed: true
​touched: true
​value: 1

I am including two snips of the web console showing the two states of the two gamepad objects. The first one shows the objects collapsed (at the very bottom) and the second shows the same to objects expanded.

Console window #1 with the properties collapsed.

Console window #2 with the properties expanded.

All other buttons show “false” and the expansion shows false as well.

Note that in the case of the “trigger” button, the first view shows it pressed but the expanded view of that property shows it not pressed.

In the case of the “selector wheel” button which should be always selected, the first view shows it not pressed and the expanded view of the button’s property shows true

I am confused.

I am attaching the complete code file. You can put it some where and click on it - assuming you have a joystick with at least 23 buttons on it.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated as there is nothing online that even begins to talk about this.

joystick_test-2.html.txt (2.5 KB)

Remove the “.txt” at the end.

One other thing that is beginning to frustrate me terribly:

There is no effing version control on these blasted articles!

What happens is that I find an article that describes - in detail - what I want to know, so I use it.  Of course, it fails miserably, leaving a trail of dead and wounded all over my browser. . .

So, I look again, and - after considerable searching, often taking days, I discover that this particular technique was obsoleted YEARS ago!  Even the MDN, (Mozilla Developer Network) isn’t immune to this.  One article talks all about a topic - ultimately referring you back to the spec - which says that the method in that topic is older than dirt.

I’m on the plane, I’m flying to Mozilla Headquarters, and I am going to hang people by their feet until I get a straight answer!


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