I helped ang change the file system permissions on /home/pi/Dexter/black_line.txt and /home/pi/Dexter/white_line.txt which fixed this issue but left robot security in a possibly less desirable state.
It looks like in order to use the line follower python libraries in a Jupyter notebook, those two files need to be accessible to the Jupyter user. Do you have a better solution?
We are in the midst of getting 2.2.3 out which will have the fix, but not for a few more hours. Honestly, probably not available before tomorrow, as we want to run tests on it before release.
Know something? I can’t even reproduce the bug.
I’ve just downloaded the image from the net, not trusting my local version anymore. I’m about to try this one and see if it still has the bug.
(and yes, what you’re doing is pretty much the fix I will be officially doing)
I have the same issue
When this fix will be available ? Also is there a way to connect a terminal using pi user on a dexteros.
I tried terminal with jupiter@gopigo. Any sudo command ask a password and robots1234 is not working
Hi, Can you tell me where I get the patch from. I found the DexterOS2.2.3 on gitfub, but this is a zip and I can only find instructions to create a sd card with an image file.